Categories: Lil' Saints At Home

Lead lives filled with goodness

Opening Prayer


The people listened to John the Baptist’s message and asked him,”What must we do to be ready for the Lord?” John answered, “ Be generous and kind and always ready to share whatever you have with others. Be honest and fair and be happy with whatever you have.”

The people grew excited and many began to think that John might be the Messiah promised by God. So John told them, “I baptize you with water, but someone is coming who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. He is filled with the power of God, and I am not good enough to undo his sandals.”


Key things to remember about today’s gospel. John told the people that they should be :

  • -generous and kind
  • -willing to share whatever they had
  • -honest and fair
  • -content with whatever they had

John came to prepare the people to listen to and act upon Jesus’ message of love. The words of John the Baptist are just as important today as they were for the crowds long ago, so that we too, will be ready for the Lord.

Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent, and we have lit 3 candles in the wreath. Today’s candle is pink; the pink is a symbol of joy as we rejoice and look forward to Christmas. 

The crowds listening to John were filled with excitement and joy as they prepared and waited for the coming of their savior.

Christmas is a very special time of year, an important celebration of Christ’s birthday. Jesus came to share his happiness with everyone, and we try to do the same by giving gifts to each other.  However many spend this time alone and unhappy.

Think about the words John the Baptist; here are some suggestions where we can put those words into practice at Christmas

-by giving what we can to local charities 

-by bringing a card or small gift to someone who lives alone

-by giving the toys which we have outgrown to local children’s homes.

Come up with your own suggestions and do them!!

Closing Prayer

Dear Lord,

As Christmas draws closer,

help us to remember anyone

who is sick or lonely at this time of year;

The homeless and sad; those who are hungry

or at war.

May the peace and joy of Christmas

reach out and touch their lives.                AMEN

