Categories: Lil' Saints At Home

Opening Prayer

Gospel Reading Mark 5: 21-43

Discussion questions:

What did Jairus ask of Jesus? 

Jairus came to Jesus to ask for healing for his daughter. When he arrived he got straight to the point. He boldly walked right up to Jesus and asked for help. Yet he did it with humility (by falling down) and politeness (please) and didn’t make any demands of Jesus.

What did this show about him?

He had complete faith in Jesus. Jairus believed that if Jesus laid hands on her, she would be made well. It was likely this faith that prompted Jesus to go with him to heal the girl.

How did Jesus respond to his request?

Jesus went with him.

What can we learn about the woman from this gospel reading?

During those 12 years of being ill,  the lady learned many lessons about God and His character and also had her faith and patience tested. We must always remember that God cares more about who we are as a person during the good and bad times.The woman had exhausted every avenue and every hope. But in her despair, she heard of Jesus and knew that He had healed many people. She believed that He could heal her and therefore she left her house and found Jesus in the crowd. She had such a high opinion of Jesus’ power, that she believed she only needed to touch His garment for healing. 

How did Jesus respond to the lady? What can we learn about Jesus from his response?

Jesus recognized the lady’s faith. She did have a lot of faith and this is why Jesus was willing to heal her. He then pronounced a blessing to her “Go and peace and be healed.”

Jesus’ response reminds us of Jesus’ compassion and grace which He always showed to other people.

Why did the people laugh at Jesus and make fun of him?

They saw that the little girl had already passed, so when Jesus said she was only sleeping, they thought he was being foolish and silly.

When do we hope to be raised to life again?

We believe that one day, at the end of time, the dead will be raised up by the power of God to live a new and everlasting life.

Closing Prayer

Dear Jesus,
Today we pray for people who are sick in mind and body.
In your compassion and love, reach out and touch them
With your healing power.
We pray that you will heal all our friends and relatives,
Especially those that we have mentioned in our thoughts and words.

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